A message from Carrie:
In 2012 I decided to open a museum called the Whale, Sealife and Shark Museum. I have been a collector of marine specimens ever since I was four years old.

I want to share my love of the ocean with as many people as I can so I figured that this would be a perfect way and place to share them. On the outside of the museum, I drew whale cut outs, then my Dad cut them out and my youngest daughter, Ariel, painted them. Each of the ten whales on the outside of the building are summer residents that return year after year. They are painted to show their most distinctive characteristics. The inside mural done by Justin Sparks shows artwork of actual pictures I took along with an adoption wall.
Our Exhibits
Almost all the photographs are ones I personally took and the various black posters are ones I developed with the help of an awesome photo editor named Charles Hall. I have also written six books ranging from a Marine Biology textbook to field guides on Gray Whales, Seals, Sea Lions and Otters, Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, Seabirds and Shorebirds and more.
Please enjoy!
~ Carrie Newell, CEO WREE,WSSM